How To Administer a Coffee Enema

coffee beans.jpg

Please read the entire instructions before you begin.

What you will need:

  • An enema bag - check out the kits from The Happy Bum Co

  • Harpoon Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate or some other Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate

  • A thermometer

  • An oil based lubricant - vegetable or olive oil works well or coconut oil or vaseline

  • Hot water

Brief Outline 

1. Flush the large intestine with water to help empty its contents.

2. Prepare the coffee enema solution.

3. Hold half of the enema solution for 10 to 15 min and then expel.

4. Repeat step 3 with the second half of the solution.

5. Clean the enema bag and utensils.


Water Flush

  1. Before beginning this process please ensure that you are adequately hydrated.  Drink a large glass of water before you start the enema.

  2. Assemble the bag ensuring the tap is completely closed.

  3. Fill the enema bag with 1L of of warm water, make sure the temperature of the water is approximately 42°C or is comfortably warm when you place your finger in it.

  4. Undo the tap and allow the water to pass down the tube until there are no longer air bubbles trapped inside. Close the tap.  

  5. Hang up your enema bag, approximately a metre above the surface where you are lying.  

  6. Lie on your left hand side.  Place a generous amount of oil based lubricant (such as coconut oil or vaseline) on the tip of the enema hose, and very gently and slowly insert into the anus. At no point should this procedure be painful.  Make sure the tip goes all the way in, at least 5cm, otherwise the enema will leak.  

  7. Once the tip is properly inserted, gently release the tap to allow the warm water to flow gently into your large intestine.  You can move onto your back or onto your right side to let the water move further into the large intestine.

  8. Continue to let the water flow, until you feel an urgent need to defecate.  Close the tap. Remove the enema tip from your anus and empty the contents of your bowel.

  9. Repeat this procedure until there is no water left in your enema bag. 

  10. Wait at least 10mins, as often the flush will stimulate the need to defecate and urinate.  Use this time to get up and walk around and prepare the coffee.

Preparing The Coffee Enema

1. Prepare 500ml of warm water (approx 42°C) and then add 50ml of Harpoon Coffee Concentrate.

2. Ensure the tap on the hose is completely closed and pour the coffee into the enema bag.

Taking The Coffee Enema

1. Lie on your left side. 

2. Insert lubricated tip into the anus.

3. Gently open the tap on the enema hose and allow half the coffee (approximately 250ml) to flow very gently into your large intestine.  

4. Once half the coffee in your enema bag has emptied into your large intestine, completely close the tap on the enema hose and remove the tip from your anus.  Lie comfortably on your right hand side, or alternatively on your back with your hips slightly raised on a towel or a pillow.  It's important to be comfortable, warm and relaxed.

5. If possible, hold the coffee for up to 15mins, then empty. The longer you can hold, the more significant the health benefits are.

6. Repeat the process all over again with the remaining half, again holding for up to 15mins.

Cleaning the Enema Kit

1. Clean the enema bag and hose with hot soapy water and hang somewhere to dry.

2. The enema tip can be cleaned using hot soapy water and then sterilised in boiling water for 3 minutes, or you can throw it away and use a fresh tip for the next enema.

3. It isn't necessary to sterilise the enema bag and hose every time, but occasionally it pays to leave it in boiling water for 5 minutes.  Make sure you leave it in a dry place with adequate drainage so that it dries thoroughly.

Additional notes

  • Please make sure you have enough time to complete this as it is not something to rush.  

  • Lock the front door and get a magazine or podcast so you have something to occupy yourself and help you relax.

  • Some people prefer to do this in the morning or late in the evening but try to be at least one hour after any big meal.  Generally doing a coffee enema in the evening will not prevent you from sleeping.

  • Don't feel the need to force expel the liquid. At times it will feel as if less liquid comes out than you put in, this is completely normal. 

  • Once you are more comfortable with enemas, you may wish to take all of coffee enema in one go and hold for 25 to 30 min.